The first LED bed to receive over-the-counter FDA clearance, the LightStim Professional LED Bed is designed to rejuvenate, repair and energize every cell in the body, resulting in total body wellness. Treatment with the LightStim Professional LED Bed is non-invasive, holistic and supported by over 200 medical and university studies showing LED light therapy protects against UV damage, free radicals, cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, it can improve post-exercise recovery, promote muscle regeneration and increase circulation.
LightStim advances the LED technology used by NASA for wound healing by harnessing four different therapeutic wavelengths, instead of just one, across 18,240 temperature controlled LEDs. Through the resulting increased production of the miracle molecule, Nitric Oxide, and ATP, known as the energy currency of the body, the LightStim MultiWave® Patented Technology not only addresses wrinkles, acne and collagen building but joint pain, inflammation and muscle fatigue as well, further expanding dangene: The Institute of Skinovation’s wellness services beyond skincare.
The benefits of the treatment are extensive, and can include:
Relieve muscle pain after sports, exercise, or from arthritis
Relieve stiffness due to muscle and tendon fatigue
Increase blood circulation
Increase natural body fuel for energy production
Regenerative muscle treatment
Increase cerebral blood flow for better concentration and mental acuity
Release endorphins
Protect skin from UV damage
Diminish scarring after surgery
Generate important anti-inflammatory factors in body
Increase natural production of nitric oxide, a substance that protects against cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, and reduce the buildup of lactic acid in the body
LightStim LED Bed is a proven anti-aging treatment. An LED is a “light emitting diode,” or in simple terms, a computer chip encased in resin that emits certain colors (wavelengths) of light. This is not a laser treatment, and does not have the recovery time associated with these treatments. The various light colors are effective in triggering the body to produce more of the fuel used to produce collagen and elastin. Nothing works better to regenerate the skin than these two critical components. The collagen provides structure, and the elastin keeps the skin flexible and firm. The light stimulates certain cells (fibroblasts) to produce more of these two important substances – at a rate they were produced when the skin was soft, firm, and flexible.
As your body produces more collagen and elastin, the natural result is plumper, healthier, tighter-looking skin. There is no downtime, no recovery time, and the treatment is pleasant, pain-free, and includes no contraindications – the treatment is safe for every patient. LED Bed treatments can help ward off the damaging effects of the sun, and the loss of skin tone and elasticity that the passing years bring. Whether you are ready to rejuvenate and restore your skin, or are struggling with issues such as hyperpigmentation or acne breakouts, the LightStim LED Bed could be the perfect addition to your health and beauty regimen.
The LightStim LED Bed looks similar to a tanning bed, but is contoured to fit your body to ensure maximum light absorption. The UV rays emitted by tanning beds (and the sun) will give you a tan, but the rays emitted will damage your skin. The LightStim LED Bed gives you healthy glow, and gives the body’s cells the food they need to do their work properly. The regenerative effects of the treatment can be long-lasting, as the light reduces inflammation -- the culprit in almost every health and skin issue. The light wavelengths inhibit the production of damaging free radicals. As a restorative and regenerative treatment, the LightStim LED Bed can bring significant anti-aging results.